Gummy Smile Correction in Poway

Gummy Smile Correction in Poway

What is a Gummy Smile / Aesthetic Surgical Procedure?

An aesthetic surgical procedure is essentially a periodontal plastic surgery – a procedure to achieve a more aesthetic mouth and smile.

While usually, these procedures are elective and not necessary, many of them offer several restorative benefits as well. There are a few different types of aesthetic surgical procedures, depending on what dental or aesthetic issue you’d like to address.

If you’re ready to learn more, watch our Gummy Smile video, check out our FAQs, call 858.679.0142 or schedule an appointment with Dr. Alireza Khansari at Poway Perio in Poway, CA, and the surrounding areas near you, including Scripps Ranch, Rancho Bernardo, Ramona, 4S Ranch, Carmel Mountain, Escondido, Mira Mesa, and Rancho Peñasquitos.


The main types of aesthetic surgical procedures are Aesthetic Crown Lengthening and Gum/Gingival Grafting. Read more about them below:

Aesthetic Crown Lengthening

Some people have a smile that shows a lot of gum and very few teeth. Bone is supposed to grow up over teeth but, sometimes, the process doesn’t happen and the gum stays high up. Sometimes, this can simply be genetic; some people are more prone to having a thick gum that grows up and over the teeth.

An excessive display of gum tissue when smiling results in the often referred to “gummy smile,” and it can easily be corrected by altering the level of the gum line with an aesthetic crown lengthening procedure. This technique is also utilized to eliminate unsightly uneven gum levels on adjacent teeth.

Gum/Gingival Grafting

The gums provide a natural defense against trauma and bacterial penetration to your teeth. If gum recession becomes a problem, the gums can be reconstructed via grafting in order to restore this protection.

When the gums recede, not only is a natural protection mechanism lost, but the result is unsightly and can leave the roots of the teeth particularly sensitive to hot and cold foods. Severe gum recession may even expose the roots, leading to potentially severe problems. Gingival recession or gum recession usually appears with aged smiles due to root exposure.

Check out our FAQs to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions About
Aesthetic Surgical Procedures

What type of smile could benefit from an aesthetic surgical procedure?

Some people have a smile that shows a lot of gum and very few teeth. Bone is supposed to grow up over teeth but, sometimes, the process doesn’t happen and the gum stays high up.

This can simply be genetic; some people are more prone to having a thick gum that grows up and over the teeth.

How does periodontal plastic surgery work?

Periodontal plastic surgery, including cosmetic crown lengthening, is an easy, straightforward procedure at Poway Perio. Depending on your specific needs, Dr. Khansari will made a custom surgical guide using golden proportions to measure how much of the your natural tooth is hiding under your gum and  by taking away excessive gum, you’re left with a smile that shows natural length of your teeth.

Why should I consider periodontal plastic surgery?

If you’re looking to enhance the natural beauty of your smile, a cosmetic procedure can improve the appearance of your teeth. But another equally important element of a bright, appealing smile is the healthy-looking and well-proportioned gums that surround and support the teeth. Many times, cosmetic flaws are caused by gum tissue that’s covering too much or too little of the tooth’s surface; in other situations, the gum line is uneven and covers some teeth more than others. Cosmetic gum surgery can successfully remedy these imperfections.

Are there non-cosmetic reasons for having gum surgery?

Yes. A tooth with too much of its root exposure are often more prone to decay and may become extremely sensitive to hot or cold gum recessions are very commons due to many different reasons including trauma from brushing or by genetic reasons such as thin gum or mastication muscles tension that cause gingival recession. Gingival recession or gum recession usually appears with aged smiles due to root exposure.

Gum Grafting is not only an aesthetic procedure but also primarily is done in order to save the tooth by building up attachment around the root to prolonged the longevity of the life span of your tooth and at the same time by covering the roots with the gum graft protecting them from root decay and sensitivity.

This surgical procedure is very conservative and there are many surgical techniques have been developed within last 5 years that facilitate the result and enhanced the healing process.

Using allografts for root coverage and gum grafting is very common thanks to new advances in processing of Human Donor Tissues. This will avoid to harvest from donor site and having a secondary surgical site.

Using Biologics in Gingival grafts or gum graft will accurate healing and soft tissue re-aeration to cover the root.

How much does periodontal plastic surgery cost?
Many dental insurance companies will pay a portion of the cost of periodontal plastic surgery or aesthetic procedures. If you don’t have insurance, the cost of gum surgery will depend on how much work is being done. Call our office before your appointment to learn about your payment options.
How does gum grafting work?
To repair the defect of gum recession, we can help through a soft tissue graft procedure. We’ll graft soft tissue onto the needed area to cover roots and create gum tissue where necessary. This gum is typically taken from the roof of the mouth, however, if there isn’t enough tissue available from the roof of the mouth, we can use donor tissue from a tissue bank.

Ready to learn more & book a consultation?

Here at Poway Perio, led by San Diego Periodontist Dr. Alireza Khansari MSD, we are happy to help you fight periodontal disease and get your teeth and gums back to good health. If you have more questions or would like to book a consultation, we’re happy to discuss your situation.

Or, give us a call at 858.679.0142